Final Concept
“The biggest part of the incoming clothes is swapped and find it’s home in a new wardrobe. The other clothes get an alternative destination for donation to local charities, reuse and recycling. or end up in one of the products of our upcoming product line!”, according to the swapshop website.

We are a new initiative to help the swapshop to get even more sustainable then they already are! With repair•it and wear•it clothes get a second life because they get recolored, in a good way with natural dye. Easy DIY instructions will help to color an old jeans into a hot new cool item in anybody’s wardrobe. We value your garment and give advice how to do this. You will receive the recipe how to recolor, remake and reuse! So get your pots and pans out of the cupboard and start a new revolution to revive your collection to become the new conscious fashion lover.